A little background on me

My name is John Danes and I am an independant professional funeral celebrant, having obtained the Certificate of Distinction in Funeral Celebrancy from the Academy of Professional Celebrants.

After spending 40 years in the fashion and textiles industry, commuting to London from the South Coast , I retired and spent the next 3 years just enjoying retirement. However, I decided that my life needed to have some more purpose and meaning.

I wanted to do something that would make a difference to peoples lives, to help people. After attending a few funerals, I decided that funeral celebrancy was for me, and something I thought I could do very well. I decided I had the skill sets, which included public speaking and after
conducting some research, I then enrolled on the training course at the Academy of Professional Celebrants. I haven`t looked back.

Funeral Ceremonies With Meaning image
I facilitate at civil ceremonies and deliver a unique, individual bespoke eulogy. This I achieve by meeting the close family and gaining an understanding of the personality and character of the deceased, what were their passions and values and to learn about their life.. This enables me to tell their story and to celebrate and honour their life.

Although the service may be a civil one, religious content such as prayers and hymns can be included if you wish. The most important thing at the end of the day, is that the wishes of the family are met, and therefore very little is out of bounds. I will deliver the service that YOU want.

"Today’s Celebrant"

Gone are the days of feeling like you need to follow strict guidelines of how a funeral should, or shouldn’t be. The ceremony lies at the core of every funeral, I want to help you to make it a fitting memory.